Calling all RAD Women (and Men!): Let’s Bring More Diversity to Informatics Leadership
RAD Women (#RADxx) was founded in the Fall of 2016 and is an exciting initiative that focuses on fostering networking and mentorship opportunities for women involved in radiology, informatics, and IT management of radiology systems.
Changing the Status Quo
The idea for RADxx first began between Dr. Geraldine McGinty, a practicing radiologist and thought leader in the imaging and informatics space, and other female leaders when they noticed that were often the only women in the room during events. Women had shared similar experiences in the technology sector, where they are often underrepresented in executive leadership roles and corporate board seats.
With a shared passion to change the status-quo, a steering committee of talented women in the radiology and informatics space, joined by RADxx sponsor Ambra Health, committed to doing something to change the industry.
The American College of Radiology’s annual Commission on Human Resources Workforce Survey shared that women were found to be less likely to pursue a career in radiology than men, with just 21% of practicing radiologists being women. While we can’t pinpoint one factor alone to account for these findings, studies have shown that across all medical specialties, students are more likely to be influenced by a strong mentor in that field. Mentorship, career sponsors, and networking opportunities are lacking for women in radiology and informatics, and the primary goal of RADxx is to make these opportunities available.
Since RADxx has been established, we now host an annual awards ceremony recognizing leaders and advocates in the radiology and informatics space. A Speakers Bureau is also available on our website to help promote women speakers on panels and at events. We also host regular Tweet Chats, Webinars, and share the latest news and insights to keep our community up to date.
Join us!
There are many ways to be a part of the RADxx community. Stay updated with everything RADxx by signing up for our monthly newsletter. You can also check out upcoming networking events. Get involved by submitting articles to our site, applying to the Speakers Bureau, or nominating yourself or someone you know to the RADxx awards!